Beltaine Ritual Oil ~ Beltane ~ // Organic Herbs + Oils // 1oz Anointing Oil
The spring is fresh and fearless
And every leaf is new,
The world is brimmed with moonlight,
The lilac brimmed with dew.
Here in the moving shadows
I catch my breath and sing--
My heart is fresh and fearless
And over-brimmed with spring.
And every leaf is new,
The world is brimmed with moonlight,
The lilac brimmed with dew.
Here in the moving shadows
I catch my breath and sing--
My heart is fresh and fearless
And over-brimmed with spring.
Beltane, Beltaine, Bealtaine, Bealltainn, or May day: this beautiful and old rooted Irish/Gaelic Festival has been igniting the creative spark in our bellies for a very long time. Many of the rites celebrated today are a mixture of old and modern traditions. The Eve, and the day of Beltaine are steeped in a special kind of magick with beautiful and strange customs celebrated to bring in the Spring and welcome in all kinds of fertility. Beltane is a time of transition, from death to rebirth, and naturally during these times the need to protect your spirit and your belongings is a great one. Large bright fires were constructed out of sacred woods to bless and protect. The smoke from the sacred offerings thrown into the flames held unseen powers that would protect anything or anyone that passed through it. It would ensure the evil spirits that clung to our bones during winter were banished with each pass through the fragrant suffumigation. Winter would seem to have given its last breath freely to the spring as life sprouted in all forms from the Earth. Whichever ways you may celebrate this festive day, I wish you and the ones your hold dear many blessings. May your fires burn bright, may your magick be heard and seen in all realms, may all your fertile dreams come to life, and may the fae take delight in the offerings you present to them.
A many purposed ritual oil for dressing candles, ritual objects, and self. Blessed with the charm of the Beltaine Fae and the intent of fertility in its many forms. Add a few drops to your ritual workings to invite in the power of Beltaine. A blend lovingly witchcrafted with organic essential oils and organic botanicals of Jasmine, Rose, Patchouli, Lavender, Calendula, Hibiscus, Elderflower, Carnelian, and Rose Quartz.