Mists of Avalon~ Magical Autumn Mist ~ Invoke the Mysteries of Avalon ~ Mabon Mist ~ Mabon Spray ~ Autumn Spray
~Mists of Avalon~
•Part the Mists that Guard the Temple of Avalon Within.
•Avalon is a place shrouded in mystery, yet if one knows how to access it they will see that it is within us and all around us at all times, it is the gateway to the soul where we can go to find our own inner truth and a place to access our infinite gifts and powers. Writers, Poets and Mystics alike have all left us Stories, Poems and Symbols throughout the ages on how to reach this mystical place, and if one reads between the lines, they will discover that it is not out of reach, and has been within all along.
•Avalon is not just a place in the physical realm but a place in between the Spiritual and Physical, it resides within us, in the dimension of the Soul~ We must travel through the thick mist of the Physical World; battling and overcoming the obstacles of our own inner struggles to arrive at the thin Magical Healing Mists of Avalon~ We must learn to part them by learning to trust our own inner knowing and reach for the knowledge that presents itself to us, that is already hidden within us.
•When we finally reach this Magical place we can be reborn and purged of all that once held us back from reaching our true calling, taking the knowledge from the lessons learned and move fully into who we are Mabon, Samhain and Beltane are the few times of the year when this gateway between the Otherworld is felt most in the physical realm. We can feel this power make its way through the ‘thin’ places of the Earth, the sacred sites, and dark places within ourselves~
•Avalon is a word given to us by the Celtic people meaning 'apple.' The apple-tree is a Celtic Tree of Life, upholder of the Worlds above and below and the source of all spiritual sustenance. In Irish tales, it grows upon an Otherworld island and bears the fruit of immortality which emits a heavenly fragrance, is able to satisfy all hunger, heal all ills, and yet always remains whole.
•Apples are one of the most Sacred Fruits of the Goddess that are given to us in abundance on this Earth. Like the Goddess, this fruit holds great magick deep within its Womb. To access this Magick, cut your Apple horizontally to reveal the five pointed pentagram. The symbols that represents all 5 physical and spiritual elements…..Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit.
Will you embark on the great journey to Avalon and part the Mists that hold you back from the magiccal place?
•This fragrant and magical mist smells of fresh apples and crisp autumn air, to me this is INTOXICATING! Made with only natural essential oils of Cardamom, Chamomile, Cinnamon, with another unmentionable secret to preserve its originality~ This is a unique and one of kind blend to Moon Goddess Magick blended in distilled water which has been blessed by my high vibrational singing bowls. Careful thought, intent and preparation go into making this unique and Sacred Spray.
•You may also use this blend to invoke the Magick of Avalon and it's beloved Goddesses such as Rhiannon, Cerridwen, Morrigan, Branwen, Arianrhod and Blodeuwedd~