Brighid's Flame ~ Imbolc Candle ~ Honor Brighid and her Sacred Flame~ Crystal Charged with Sunstone ~ 40 hour burn~ 4oz Candle
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Your Candle has been Witchcrafted with the finest Essential Oils, Herbs and Stones closely related to the Goddess Brighid herself. Containing Neroli, Hawthorn, Jasmine, Angelica Root and Heather. Crystal charged with Sunstone to welcome in the light of Spring~
"She shall arise like a shining sun in the East. Her words will echo within,“I am the Flame that comes forth out of the darkness”
As we welcome February we also welcome the Goddess of Light and the returning Sun. She returns to warm our hearts and renew our weary spirits by gracing us with her Love and Warmth.
Goddess Brighid is a beloved Celtic Goddess associated with Healing Waters, Wells and Springs. She is the Lady of the Sacred Flame, the Flame of Inspiration, the Flame of Creative Consciousness. Brighid is the “Bringer of Prosperity,” Goddess of Fertility, New Growth and Birth. She is the Patroness of Poetry, Healing, Midwifery and Animal Care & Breeding. Brighid is Warrior and Healer, Protectress and Goddess of Healing Grace.
Brighid is said to have been born at the exact moment of day break, she rose with the sun, her head radiant with rays of luminous light, associating her with ascended awareness, enlightenment, new beginnings, sun beams and warmth. She is celebrated on Imbolc, falling on February 1 or 2, celebrating the return of the light and the coming of the spring. Thus her solar aspects may also represent Brighid as the Promise of Spring, the Bringer of Light after the dark months of winter. This energy brings with it HOPE, renewed enthusiasm, renewal, and new beginnings.
~~~~~~~CANDLE RITUAL~~~~~~~~~
To connect with Brighid and her Healing Flame, sit in a quiet room, making sure you will be undisturbed. Light your Sacred Candle and sit in a comfortable position. Take a moment to ground and root yourself, send your roots deep into the center of the Earth and establish a firm connection. Once you have properly grounded yourself began to release all fears, worries and anxieties back into the Earth to be cleansed.
Now you are ready to make your connection to the Healing Energy of Brighid. Focusing on your flame, quietly invoke Brighid by saying her name. “Brighid I call upon you and your flame, to heal my heart and body, to bless me with new beginnings”
Give yourself a moment to feel her presence as you focus on her flame. Feel her energy rise up from the Earth and into your Aura, warming you like the rising Sun. Let her Energy Cleanse and Renew your Spirit, protecting you, guiding you. Her Energy and Love will radiate from your heart. Share this love with others. As you watch your flame flicker and grow, know that you are being filled with the Love and Light. Your soul is being cleanse and a great sense of renewal is washing over your Aura~ You may also chose to focus this Love and Light to others in need of her Healing Flame, imagine their faces and project this Energy towards them. Towards the end of your Ritual gently cup the Energy of the flame into your hands and place it into your Heart, you will be forever placing the loving transformative energy of Brighid into your Heart.
Please always use care when using the Element of Fire~
Blessed Imbolc to you all,
Wishing you Love, Warmth and Magick